Garage slab crack repair
Garage slab crack repair

To avoid further damage, you must fix large cracks promptly. Cracks in the concrete garage flooring are common, however, it is important to deal with them promptly to prevent them from growing into larger cracks that make them more difficult to fix.

#Garage slab crack repair professional

Although collapses are rare, the owners of these structures should be vigilant and have a professional make periodic inspections on the embeds.Concrete slab garage floors can last for a longer time and are far more durable than other options such as asphalt or concrete pavers, periodic repairs to concrete in Indianapolis are essential. Needless to say, these failures can lead to catastrophic problems and even collapses. These embeds can rust and sometimes fail. Each one of these concrete pieces has an “ embed” which is a small steel plate where the different pieces make contact and where the welders make the connections to build the structure. Rusting plates Some parking structures are what we call “ pre-cast” where many concrete pieces are brought in and welded together in the field. If these joints are not properly maintained, they can also fail and cause water to seep to the interior of the structure. Furthermore, parking structures also have construction joints and caulk joints that can fail. Water that goes through concrete picks up chemicals that can consequently damage the nice paint job on your car. If cracks are large, they will let water seep down into the concrete slab and the water will eventually find its way downward by the force of gravity. To further illustrate, there are several other types of repairs that are typical and these are as follow: Water IntrusionĪlthough parking garages are open structures, we still like to walk to our car without getting wet while we are still inside the structure. Cracking and spalling are by far the most common and prevalent issues in a concrete parking garage. If I were to provide a comprehensive list of all the issues that can arise in a concrete parking structure, this blog would be many more pages long.

garage slab crack repair

Furthermore, it is beyond the scope of this blog to instruct the regular layperson on the ins and outs of analyzing a structure. Needless to say, engineers have the training and the experience to provide you with guidance on dealing with cracks. Additionally, the engineer will be the professional that will not only quantify the amount of cracking but will also provide you with the best method of repair. Your structural engineer will be the person who determines which cracks are serious and which are not. In any event, any type of crack should be filled at a minimum. Small cracks typically do not constitute a serious structural problem although a review by a structural engineer is always recommended.

garage slab crack repair

It is normal for a concrete parking structure to contain cracks. All these items come together to cause fissures in the concrete on a long-term basis. Of course, this is normal and you shouldn’t be alarmed. The heat and cold cycles of day and night cause the structure to expand and contract. If you are in a parking garage and you stand still while cars are passing by, you will likely feel yourself vibrating. In other words, it’s those cracks that are caused by the constant movement, expansion, and contraction of the structure and the vehicle traffic.

garage slab crack repair

These reasons range from pouring a bad batch of concrete, to improper curing during the construction process. Cracks on concrete appear due to many different reasons.

Garage slab crack repair